I’m a real person

Inspired by Natasha’s post the other day where she criticized phony blogs, (the blogs where people present their lives as perfect in every way) I’ve decided to air some of my dirty laundry and share some things I might not otherwise want to share, in the sake of being a real person in the blog world.

-I probably haven’t vacuumed my living room rug in months. Months people! Some people vacuum daily, those people are called anal. Not to say that I recommend not vacuuming for months. I don’t have a cat or dog, but I am a spinner and do a lot of collage artwork, little bits of fiber and slivers of random paper are all over my apartment. If I’ve shown a picture that has carpeting at all on my blog, you better believe it has been photoshoped to remove bits of paper.
-I haven’t balanced my checkbook in years and years. I just try to make sure to keep a buffer zone. A while ago I bit the bullet and called up the bank to see if they had any advice on how to tackle this problem and the banker responded by just laughing and laughing at me for about 5 seconds. Five seconds may not seem that long, but believe me it is when you are being laughed at, go ahead, just count it out right now 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi…
-I eat microwave dinners a lot. A LOT. Sometimes my freezer is packed full of lean cuisines. A couple months ago a friend was over and for whatever reason popped his nosey face into my freezer and declared “Wow, someone likes lean cuisines”. I was embarrassed, but later when I looked in there, there were only 3 or 4 frozen dinners. His head probably would have exploded if he had seen it after I had gone grocery shopping and had about 4 times that many in there.
– Matt and I have been dating now since 2001 and I’m very much the boy in this relationship. He’s able to recall all these milestones of our relationship, certain dates and conversations we’ve had. I can’t even recall something he told me a few hours ago. As much as I consider myself a sentimental person and love me some romantic movies, I’m so not into the schmaltzy romantic stuff in real life. Think about that episode of Seinfeld with “Shmoopy”, makes me gag being around those types of people.
-I totally cried at work today. Not just a little tear either, I cried in front of all my coworkers, big tears. I’m not embarrassed to admit it either, it makes me real, and I have to say that my coworkers were all very sweet and supportive. Have I said how wonderful the people I work with are? Well, they are pretty great.
-I’ve already fell way behind on most of my new year’s resolutions. Dishes are piling up in the sink, pages are behind in my “page-a-day” book and I’ve barely made it the gym this year.
-A lot of other people see this as a flaw of my own, but whatever! I will declare it aloud: Chocolate, I’m not a big fan. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really like it, and I sure as heck wouldn’t stampede, climb or claw over a group of people just to get at it the way that most people react towards it. It’s chocolate, end of story. People think they get some natural high from it, or that it is good for you, but then again everyone thinks that their cat is the 1/2 of all cats that react to catnip. I’ve heard people even make outrageous statements that you can’t trust a person who claims to not LOVE chocolate, and to that I say “get a grip, chocolate is overrated”.
Okay, enough of that for now :)

Above, A story of a yarn: a merino yarn to be exact. Once upon a time there was a roving that had big dreams to one day become a skein of yarn. What will become of it next?

I’ve just posted this yarn to my etsy shop. It is really beautiful and I’d like to share a quote that I was thinking about a lot while spinning it. It’s from the new Lexi Boeger book, Intertwined, that just arrived last week. “Handspun yarn is more than simply yarn…Every Inch has been fed through the hand of the craftsperson…Each yarn is a reflection of the individual spinner who made it. It is this quality that makes handspun yarn so amazing to work with. As you work through a skein, you can see, inch by inch, the decisions that the spinner made. It passes before you just like a story.” Her book is beautiful, and it is all I can do to keep myself from ripping through it, instead I am digesting it as slowly as possible and savoring every page and beautiful yarn.


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

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