It is swiftly approaching a year from when I jumped into mailart365. Things went well for a good long stretch, and then as usual when I try to commit to...
I have a new pattern I'm loving and it's the pinwheel. It started out earlier this year when I was seeing this pillow by Fine Little Day all over the...
Today is a HUGE day for me. Something that has been in the works for over a year and a half, and I'm so excited. I will be dealing with...
If you remember from the sneak peek a few weeks ago, I purchased a bag of vintage photographs from the flea market and decided to use some of them for...
Another Mailart 365 update. card 107/365 card 106/365 card 110/365 card 109/365 card 108/365 card 105/365 card 104/365
These are mailart pieces 76-82, more little books. I'm kicking myself because I forgot to take pictures of these books opened flat before I sealed them shut. So, for now...
I'm trying to play catch up. I'm three weeks behind in sharing mailart365 postcards. The top two are brand new, but the ones below that are all postcards I made...
I never got around to posting the last 3 postcards from last weeks mailart365, so I'm doing a little mini dump today. I'll post this weeks cards tomorrow. I created...
Time for another weekly postcard dump. The text that accompanies each postcard (underneath each image) is the list that is on the back. I've had a few comments that people...
I'm still going strong on my mailart365 project. I also signed up for iHanna's DIY Postcard Swap, so some of these cards are dueling that project. This is postcard #23...