fourth of july fireworks display Originally uploaded by robayre My fourth in list form: -slept in and worked on my latest yoyo set. -made a HUGE plate, piled high, of...
I've just finished this yoyo set that I've been working on for a while. It's a bit different from the old regular ones. This new style contains 64 yoyos, as...
After only a week, I've finally emerged from the kitten room. It's been kitten-time 24/7. Today, after work I entered my poorly neglected studio and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. I got...
Bishop 6.28.08, originally uploaded by robayre. I woke up this morning all stressed and anxious. There was no reason other than: It’s Monday, AND our perfect kitty who had been...
Inspired by Cosy's game. a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search. b. Using only the first page, pick an image. c. Copy and paste...
I saw my first firefly of the season tonight. That's all. Not much going on here.
I'm back from my mini vacation in Door County. I had a great time, and saw a lot of beautiful places. Check out the pictures Matt posted to his flickr,...
flat tire, originally uploaded by robayre. Ahh, remember the time we were in the middle of nowhere and got a flat tire? The car was on sand so the jack...
fortune, originally uploaded by robayre. I'm currently hooked up to the internet on a campground in Door County Wisconsin, all because I have the bestest boyfriend ever that enables my...
chicago theatre swell season, originally uploaded by robayre. Today I can proudly say, I stretched beyond my comfort zone. I represented myself as an artist publicly at a local event....