Best feeling in the world (at least for today): when the jeans I’ve been wearing for months feel like brand new pairs because they are starting to fit more loosely....
Today Matt and I went four leaf clover hunting. I found my very first four leaf clover and in all found 4 and matt found 2. I should have a...
I really need to post the cool stuff I get on etsy here more often. I was so excited about this wool that arrived today! It is by etsy...
I am a very bad blogger. When I had my old moblog I used to post fairly frequently. Have I been blogged out, I hope not. It is not up anymore,...
Today I got this mini print in the mail along with a t-shirt with the same design on it from Tiny Showcase. It is my second print of...
I got sick last week, it started with a scratchy throat monday and had I known what was coming I would have been popping airbornes and echinacea like crazy.. Tuesday...
If you like cover songs, I just found this great new-to-me podcast called Coverville that features really great covers. I'm not talking "coverband" style covers, but real actual awesome artists...
I just saw this link to Sia's music video for Breathe Me. It was the first time I've ever seen it. The video is great, especially if you have any...
Look at this! Isn't this amazing? I received my package from Rosa. A functional piece of artwork, for her Found Art Tuesday project, found it's way to me after...
I've FINALLY done it! Finally participated in Found Art Tuesday (only 2 days late, but I painted the artwork on Tuesday if that counts). The theme for this week was...