Today I discovered that Google Street Maps has been updated for my city. So, what did I do today, other than spend a lot of time searching the streets of...
This is such a fun item. As I've been moving to the new house, I try to keep in mind that moving is the perfect opportunity to clean house and...
Thanks to my Sister, Sister In Law and Matt, I am all moved out of the apartment as of this past Saturday. A huge weight has been lifted. My studio...
My apartment is almost empty. Matt and I stopped by to pick up mail and for the first time I had this little sadness that I was leaving it. It...
My creation, originally uploaded by robayre. Yes, I'm still alive. - - - - - This weekend my sister in law Dacia played a concert in the burbs. She opened...
I was able to nab a treasury on etsy that will be around till Thursday. Please check it out and click away at the products. Can you tell I'm ready...
I've had my heart jump twice this week so far. Once for fear and once for joy. On Sunday in the process of moving car loads of stuff from my...
Here is another pattern I made today, this time with leaves. Looks like this weekend is going to be a moving marathon. Even though my lease doesn't end until the...
Earlier today I saw this knit piece on flickr and was inspired. I want to knit a vest using my handspun, I'm excited. And then if you notice the belt...