The inspiration never ceases, and instead of sharing, my inbox has begun to swell with messages to myself and links to pass on. It's too much, and would overwhelm anyone,...
Be prepared to be flattered
This is the conclusion of Road Trip 2008 coverage. Dead deer: 11 Live deer: 4 Slushies: 4 (2 watermelon, 1 lime, 1 blue) Times my ears popped in Colorado: Many...
hand on twine, originally uploaded by robayre. Still on the road. Today we visited the world's largest ball of twine. Apparently there is a lot of controversy over this ball...
I just realized I have two more pictures I wanted to share from my trip. Above was a tree I found at a park right outside the Rocky Mountain National...
WWAGD?, originally uploaded by robayre. I'm in a hotel just inside the Kansas border right now. The hotel front desk had a sign prominently displayed saying "Attention Hunters: no cleaning...
carhenge, originally uploaded by robayre. Happy Halloween! Long time, no see, I've been on my road trip to Colorado with my best friend, since Wednesday. Right now I'm in a...
This summer my sister in law came up with a great idea. There is a lot of activity each and every Friday evening at a major intersection, downtown DeKalb. Since...
A couple people have notified me that the Chicago MP3 experiment video is out. Looks like they edited out some of our favorite parts (human twister and human tetris), oh...
ghost story bonfire 2K8, originally uploaded by robayre. Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Saturday my best friend Erica and I went to Ikea and spoke a...