I guess that pesky groundhog saw his shadow and we are cursed with a long winter. Hasn't it been long enough? And coming from my mouth, that must mean it...
So, it's officially February and it's been a month since I started composing my list of things to accomplish in the year of 2009. I think it's time to put...
and it was actually above freezing. Today is the last day of January and then of NaBloPoMo for the month. I hope to keep posting frequently, but it just may...
the cheese, originally uploaded by robayre. Hmmm, I don't know if I've ever mentioned my love of polaroid here before. Well, maybe I've commented on it once or twice before...
Today I got my first ever P.O. Box address. Things like this make me very happy. Who knew a p.o. box is only $3.07 a month? It hasn't been above...
Hello to everyone stopping by to crack your super secret code. I hope you are enjoying your new piece of artwork. I'm in love with this code I made up...
I'm so excited! I came up with the idea for creating a treasury that would focus on the beauty of handmade. And surprisingly I checked and Woot! the treasury was...
Above is a postcard I made for my show last month. I made it shortly after my pet rabbit theo had to be put to sleep. I had bought the...
Tomorrow, registration for "Thing-a-day" opens, I'm so excited. I had such a great experience last year, feeling so productive and really energized by the sense of community. I'm also excited...
It all started with this fiber on the right, then I made this yarn, which became this set of pompoms above. I've listed them in my etsy shop for someone...