Changing a flat in zero windchill is not fun. I am so thankful to Matt who did most of the hardwork while I watched, lol. Today it is snowing big fluffy snowflakes. I...
I think this deserves mention, as I love mail. P-Mail, I found via boingboing. P-mail (Paper-Based E-Mail). "Print, Compatible with Pens, Pencils..." also "Like e-mail - only slower" Off to...
Matt sent me a link to this. You type in what you want it to say and it puts words pulled from popular songs together to say your message. Lots...
We saw Pan's Labyrinth last night. If you haven't seen previews or the website check it out. I might have built the movie up too much in my head beforehand, but I...
"i'm getting there. i really am. every year that goes by i feel i know less and less about most things, but understand more and more about myself. in many...
Matt introduced me to the cupcake gumdrop song and we used to listen to it over and over and over again. If you ever loved to listen to the cupcake gumdrop site...
sorry for the bad quality camera phone pic, but it suits for a secret sneak peek of what I've been up to lately.
For Christmas Matt and I got a GPS for traveling. It's a Garmin and beyond way-cool! It's got everything in there, restaurants, gas stations, museums, local attractions, you...
It's 1:35 on Saturday, I'm still in PJs, painting away since 8 this morning. Everything as it should be.
It's December 31st, and yesterday I saw a guy in tank top and shorts walking into a store. Something is wrong, I miss winter. P.S. Louder is not necessarily better,...