I finally installed my knick knack shelf over the mantel in a proper way. Back story: Shortly after we moved into our house in 2011 I put these shelves up...
Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you are celebrating with lots of love, hugs and candy. I just added this new self mailer stationery to my etsy shop. The outside is...
Tonight after work I just crashed. Absolutely emotionally and physically drained from this work week, and it had only been 3 days. After a loooong nap, I woke up around...
So, after Andrea's list about how to use confetti, I finally pulled the trigger (haha) on these confetti guns that I've had in my amazon shopping cart forever. And here...
It's been about two months now since my friend Sheila visited and this post has been half written/assembled for the last month. It won't get any easier as time goes...
I added some fun new beaded necklaces to the etsy shop. Click on the pictures to find out more.
I recently spotted the above image on instagram and I'm not sure who it should be attributed to. It appears to be one of those images that just floats around...
Last week a special package arrived on my front step. My friend Rosa sent me a box filled with goodies. I got teary when I opened it. She is too...
Images above (left to right) Martha Stewart, Design Editor, and A Beautiful Mess Well, another thing for the home, but I promise this is more of a designy-crafty-DIY...
Back in 2009 when I first got that hand me down iphone 3, one of the things I was most excited about was using video apps. Crickets chirping. Yeah, I...