I hope everyone who celebrates it, had a warm, safe and happy Thanksgiving. I didn't get to post before hand, but I wanted to share some of the things I...
Leave it to Joon to bring it to my attention... my etsy shop has 300 sales :D :D :D I just love my little shop so much. There have been...
Just a quick pop in to share some new items I've added to my etsy shop. I made this 12" square pinwheel painting with chalkboard paint, so you can customize...
It has been a while, but I was inspired to create a new circle series piece. Honestly, I have a few new ones started, but this is the one that...
Our cat Bishop has an affinity for styrofoam, as documented here. Because of this we have always been vigilant about keeping the stuff out of our house. Well, a...
Take Two. I apologize for the missing post before, for those who subscribe to my RSS. I composed a decent post, and before publishing, walked away from my computer for...