A coworker brought in his recent Smithsonian magazine to show me an article about photobooths. You can read that article Four for a Quarter, by Kenneth R. Fletcher online here....
Circle, originally uploaded by robayre. wow, my posting here has been pretty erratic, hasn't it? I feel lots of guilt when I don't post daily, does anyone else suffer from...
I'm so tired. It's a beautiful day out, but instead of having a productive afternoon off, I'll probably fall asleep on the porch swing. School is back in session and...
gnomes lined up, originally uploaded by robayre. After a sale in my shop recently, I've had gnomes on the brain. I've been making gnome stickers, gnome buttons and tonight drawing...
If you haven't seen her around before, I'd like to introduce to you one of my best-est, top-of-the-pop-friends, Erin, aka, pejnolan. I' ve known Erin for 14 years. Holy moly,...
porch swing, originally uploaded by robayre. Today I can cross off one of my life’s dreams. That dream: having a front porch swing. It is not quite the porch nor...
I had a pretty crazy morning. Once again, I woke up to the smell of fried eggs permeating the bedroom. Since it has gotten warm and we've had the windows...
Woooo! I'm so excited to say that I had 3 sales at the end of this week and it has officially put my etsy shop up to 50 sales. I...
It's Friday, it's 8.08.08 and my it's my brother's birthday. He seems to have the best birthdate ever. On his golden birthday he turned 8 on 08.08.88. We are going...